Monday, July 13, 2009

Dell & Cambridge University - UK’s Fastest Academic Supercomputer

"Researchers are experiencing 20 times greater performance and can now obtain in one month what previously took them 18 months. This rapid increase in output saves valuable research time while studying for a post doctorate over a three-year period”

- Paul Calleja, director of high performance computing, Cambridge University.

Cambridge University has had supercomputers for use in complex research since 1992. Undertaking ground breaking research, users require cutting edge technology that provides optimum performance. At the end of a three-year system cycle, the university looked to implement a new system that would improve upon previous levels of high performance.

The university implemented Dell PowerEdge servers in a high performance computing cluster that has become the fastest academic supercomputer in the country. Through a collaborative relationship, Dell and Cambridge University have created a reference design for future large scale high performance computing clusters.

Smooth, rapid system deployment makes cluster fastest academic supercomputer in UK; With 20 times greater performance, researchers can obtain output in one month instead of 18 months; Dramatic increase in performance achieved at a third of the cost; Cutting-edge technology extends system life by a year; Cluster meets specifications for limited space and heat production.

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