Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Nun Movie


Six 15-year old girls are boarders in a sinister school where they spend every single day terrorised and maltreated by a fearsome nun. One day the nun discovers that one of the girls is pregnant. Totally scandalised by this turn of events, she tries to purify her. Her friends watch as their friend is tortured and, consumed by their own fear and anger, they decide to help her.
The nun was never seen again and the school suddenly closed a few weeks afterwards.
17 years later, each of the 6 girls has rebuilt their individual lives in their own way. They have all followed their own paths through life hoping that by not having any contact with each other, they would become distanced from this terrible secret and manage to bury it for ever.

Director : Luis de la Madrid
Cast : Anita Briem, Cristina Piaget
Duration : 102 mins

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